



国際ワークショップ「Asian Urbanism and Urban Informality」を開催しました

2023/7/21 追記

■ シンポジウムの動画を掲載いたしました。下記URLよりご覧ください。
The video of the symposium can be viewed at the following URL.


Online keynote speech by Prof. Hyun Bang SHIN to the symposium ”Neighborhood Transformation in East Asian Cities: Is 'Gentrification' the Right Frame of Reference?” (Sep, 1st, 2021)

Frontiers of Gentrification: Perspectives from Asiaこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます


Moderators, speakers and discussants (The first on the left: Prof. Kenta Goto)

6月30日(金)、埼玉大学総合研究棟1号館シアター教室にて、国際ワークショップ「Asian Urbanism and Urban Informality」が開催されました。本ワークショップには、対面30名、オンライン75名、計105名の研究者や学生が国内外から参加しました。

On June 30th (Friday), the international workshop "Asian Urbanism and Urban Informality" was held at Saitama University. A total of 105 researchers and students (30 in person and 75 online) participated in the workshop.

Moderator: Prof. Tamaki Endo

第一部「Frontier of Asian urban development」では、司会である本学の遠藤環教授による開会のあいさつのあと、London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) の Hyun Bang Shin教授による発表「Circulating Asian Urbanism and the Politics of Temporality」が行われました。また、発表の内容を踏まえたディスカッションがコメンテーターとともに行われ、会場やオンライン参加者からの様々な意見や質問についてHyun氏より丁寧にご回答いただきました。

After opening remarks by the moderator, Professor Tamaki Endo of Saitama University, Professor Hyun Bang Shin from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) gave a presentation titled "Circulating Asian Urbanism and the Politics of Temporality " at the first session "Frontier of Asian urban development." Following the presentation, a discussion was held with discussant. Professor Hyun kindly addressed various comments and questions from the audience and online participants.

Speaker: Prof. Hyun Bang Shin

Discussant: Dr. Zhe Ren


Comment by audience

第二部「New dynamism of urban informality in Asia」では、関西大学後藤健太教授の司会のもと、立命館大学の小川さやか教授による発表「Diversification Strategies of 'Self' and Informality」、続いて東京外国語大学の日下渉教授による発表「Why was Duterte’s War on Drugs Justified?」が行われました。こちらもディスカッションの時間には多くの意見や質問があり、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じました。

In the second session "New dynamism of urban informality in Asia," Professor Kenta Goto from Kansai University served as the moderator. The session included presentations by Professor Sayaka Ogawa from Ritsumeikan University on "Diversification Strategies of 'Self' and Informality" and by Professor Wataru Kusaka from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on "Why was Duterte’s War on Drugs Justified?" The discussion that followed also involved many comments and questions, and the session concluded with great success.

Speaker: Prof. Sayaka Ogawa

Speaker: Prof. Wataru Kusaka

Discussant: Dr. Ai Hisano

Discussant: Dr. Nazia Hussain
