



「埼玉学のすすめ」バスツアーを実施しました(Saitama Bus Tour Held Successfully on Nov. 29)



International Students from Saitama Prefecture and Japanese students who have studied abroad joined the Saitama Study Bus Tour planned for learning about the history and folk crafts of the prefecture on November 29, and visited the following three places,: Miyazawa Lake, Saitama Craft Center in Ogawa Town, and TOUGYOKU Doll Museum in Iwatsuki.
Japanese students had missions as planners and coordinators, and tour guides during the tour for ‘Omotenashi’, helping international students to learn about Saitama’s traditions and folk crafts. International Students from several universities in Saitama experienced Japanese "washi" paper-making, which was added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list recently and folding hina doll with “Origami” by themselves. Both international and Japanese students learned the tradition and culture of Japan and certainly got to know deeply about Saitama Prefecture throughout this tour.

宮沢湖での散策 At Miyazawa Lake

宮沢湖での散策 At Miyazawa Lake

細川紙?紙すき体験 Experiencing Japanese “washi” paper-making

細川紙?紙すき体験 Experiencing Japanese “washi” paper-making

折り紙わらべ製作 Folding hina doll with “Origami”

折り紙わらべ製作 Folding hina doll with “Origami”

To view international students’ post-bus tour reports, please click here.
