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  • グリフィス大学との大学間学術交流協定調印式が行われました New Inter-University Agreement with Griffith University, Australia

グリフィス大学との大学間学術交流協定調印式が行われました New Inter-University Agreement with Griffith University, Australia


2014年7月28日、山口宏樹学長が上田清司埼玉県知事に同行し、オーストラリア?クイーンズランド州を訪問した際、本学とグリフィス大学との大学間学術交流協定調印式が行われました。山口学長は、埼玉県とクイーンズランド州の姉妹提携30周年記念行事に参加し、上田県知事同席のもと、グリフィス大学Ian O’Connor学長とともに協定書に署名しました。これにより、毎年2名の学生が交換留学制度(授業料相互不徴収)により相互交流を行うことができます。

On July 28th, our President Hiroki Yamaguchi, who accompanied Kiyoshi Ueda Saitama Governor, visited Queensland, Australia, and had the signing ceremony for Inter-University Academic Exchange Agreement with Griffith University. President Yamaguchi attended the 30th anniversary celebration of the Bilateral Sister State Arrangements between Queensland and Saitama Prefecture.
Under the Governor Ueda attended, President Yamaguchi and Griffith University President Ian O’Connor have signed the agreement. This enables us to start the student exchange program for two students every year with mutual tuition waiver. This will promote not only student exchange but also the exchange within the research field.
Griffith University is a public university which has campuses in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, with distinct highly-regarded research and teaching methods. Griffith is now home to over 2,500 international students from more than 50 countries, which is ten percent of the total number of students.
Above all, SU now had signed 58 inter-university agreements, 36 inter-faculty agreements, and 94 agreements in total as of July 31st.

上田知事(後列左から2人目)同席の調印式(前列左より:山口学長、Ian O’Connor学長) The signing ceremony with Griffith University (The second from the left in the back raw; Governor Ueda The front row from the left; President Yamaguchi and President Ian O’Connor)

上田知事(後列左から2人目)同席の調印式(前列左より:山口学長、Ian O’Connor学長)
The signing ceremony with Griffith University
(The second from the left in the back raw; Governor Ueda
The front row from the left; President Yamaguchi and President Ian O’Connor)
